Dancing at a distance - virtual participation no matter where you are!

It was very important to us that people from across the country doing policy work had the opportunity to participate in our conference. Even if you were not able to join us in-person, you could have still participated in an engaging way!

All sessions from the main room were webcasted for you to watch LIVE, ask questions virtually and participate interactively. Check out the virtual agenda below to see the sessions that were offered online.


Our Conference 2020 speakers clearly struck a chord with participants. To meet the many requests for copies of their powerpoint presentations and materials from workshops, we are pleased to share them here. The webcast recordings are best watched while viewing the presentations; transcripts of these sessions will be posted in the coming weeks.

In the spirit of the "Integrated Policy"  theme of the Conference, we hope you'll use these resources to spark reflections and (virtual) conversations with colleagues in your own policy domain and beyond. Feel free to write to us about it at policommpoli@canada.ca.

Policy Practitioners of the Future

Nitika Agarwal





Involving Citizens in Policy-making: Inclusive Governance and Public Trust

Laurie Drake




Thinking through data as a social and technological system!

Tracey Lauriault

Critical Media and Big Data, Carleton University




Integrated Policy: A UK Perspective

Andrea Siodmok

UK Cabinet Office - Policy Lab and Open Innovation Team





Visualizing Complexity in the Policy Environment

Enrique Martinez




Integrating Indigenous Perspectives in Policy 

Nathalie Gagnon

Canada School of Public Service


Behavioural Insights 

Sasha Tregebov

The Behavioural Insights Team



Virtual Agenda

In addition to webcasting, some of our content collaborators from previous years’ conferences designed activity kits that groups can run on their own. We encouraged participants to use the Conference in a Box activities during the breaks when the webcast was not live. The Conference in a Box remains available year-round.


Policy Practitioners of the Future - Interactive Presentation | 9:45am - 10:30am

Nitika Agarwal, Apolitical (@apoliticalco @agarwal_nitika2)

Get an international perspective on the mindsets, skills and behaviours for policy practitioners of the future and how we can start to exercise and hone them right now.

Involving Citizens in Policy-making: Inclusive Governance and Public Trust - Interactive Presentation | 10:45am - 11:45am

Laurie Drake, MASS LBP (@masslbp @lauriedrake_)

Democracy is under pressure and trust in public institutions is declining globally and here in Canada. If we are going to meet our democratic aspirations, we need to address growing mistrust and polarization. This means upending assumptions about the ability and willingness of citizens to play a more central role in policy-making. By involving more people in policy-making, we can create more inclusive governance and reinvigorate the democratic project —a project of personal agency, collective efficacy, and shared responsibility.

Thinking through data as a social and technological system! | 12:30pm - 1:15pm

Tracey Lauriault, Assistant Professor, Critical Media and Big Data, Carleton University (@traceylauriault)

Data Data Everywhere! What approaches can we apply to help us think through our data systems and how can these be applied in a public policy context? Come and find out!

Integrated Policy: A UK Perspective - Interactive Presentation | 1:15pm - 2:15pm

Andrea Siodmok, UK Cabinet Office - Policy Lab and Open Innovation Team (@policylabuk @openinnovteam @andreasiodmok) 

Let’s explore working beyond boundaries and “government as a system” toolkit to deliver change in complex policy environments.

Visualizing Complexity in the Policy Environment - Interactive Presentation & Hands-on Activity | 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Enrique Martinez, Public Sector Leadership Consultant (@mtzenrique)

A visual language easy to learn and use by everyone--the language of diagrams--is disrupting government by making operations, management, policy-making, and civic processes more transparent and participatory. This session will explain how schematic visualization is transforming the way in which public servants and government leaders are framing problems and making decisions. This is an interactive session: all participants will engage hands-on and experience the power of diagramming and low-tech visual communication techniques to clarify complex ideas and processes in the policy environment and across government.